Biognosys in Publications 2022 - Biognosys

Biognosys in Publications 2022

Publications by Biognosys and Collaborators


Proteome Profiling of Cerebrospinal Fluid Reveals Biomarker Candidates for Parkinson’s Disease

Karayel O et al, Cell Reports Medicine 2022

Despite being the second most common neurodegenerative disease, molecular events that trigger Parkinson’s disease are still poorly understood. To better understand the underlying mechanism of the disease, Ozge Karayel and colleagues analyzed cerebrospinal fluid samples from more than 200 individuals and used Spectronaut® to quantify over 1,700 proteins. With the help of Spectronaut’s machine learning framework the team uncovered several biomarkers that may improve our understanding of the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease in the future.


Biomarker Candidates for Tumors Identified from Deep-Profiled Plasma Stem Predominantly from the Low Abundant Area

Tognetti M et al, Journal of Proteome Research 2022

The plasma proteome is an underexplored source of insights into an individual’s state of health. In a recent study, we conducted plasma profiling on 180 samples from lung, breast, colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer patients using our TrueDiscovery™ platform with our Spectronaut® software for DIA analysis, SpectroMine™ for DDA analysis, and our PQ500™ Reference Peptides kit, for plasma protein quantification. This allowed us to quantify over 2,700 proteins and identify novel and well-known biomarkers for patient stratification and drug target identification.


SPIN Enables High Throughput Species Identification of Archaeological Bone by Proteomics

Rüther PL et al, Nature Communications 2022

Molecular identification methods are an important tool for species determination of biological samples and archaeological objects. However, most methods are limited in the number of species they can identify and are also costly, with low throughput, and labor-intensive processes. Here, Rüther and collaborators, introduce a shotgun proteomics workflow developed for analyzing archaeological bone using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The workflow uses Spectronaut® for DIA analysis and has a throughput of 200 samples per day, streamlined sample preparation, and automated data interpretation that reduces labor costs.



Limited Proteolysis–mass Spectrometry Reveals Aging-associated Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Abundances and Structures

Shuken SR et al, Nature Aging 2022

Proteins found in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) have been connected to both aging and neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, researchers screened for previously unknown aging-associated changes in the CSF proteome using LiP-MS. With the help of Spectronaut® for their DIA analysis, they managed to identify 38 protein groups that changed in abundance with advanced age. Most of the protein groups where IgM immunoglobulins and six high-confidence candidates demonstrated structural changes with aging. The study highlights how LiP-MS can reveal age-related changes in CSF in relation to neurodegeneration.


Streamlined Single-cell Proteomics by an Integrated Microfluidic Chip and Data-independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry

Gebreyesus ST et al, Nature Communications 2022

Single-cell proteomics is a useful tool to shed light on cellular phenotypic heterogeneity and cell-specific functional networks behind biological processes. This paper presents a workflow that combines microfluidic chips for all-in-one proteomic sample preparation and DIA mass spectrometry for proteomic analysis on the single-cell level. Using this workflow, the researchers profiled an average of around 1,500 protein groups across 20 single mammalian cells. This novel workflow, using our Spectronaut® software for its DIA analysis, provides a basis for advanced single-cell proteomics.


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