Proteomics is routinely applied to detect changes in protein levels in response to perturbations and to pinpoint altered biological processes. Beyond protein expression changes, however, biological processes are also regulated by events such as intermolecular interactions, post translational modification and conformational changes. These events do not necessarily alter protein levels and typically escape detection in classical protein expression screens.
This webcast presents how a global readout of protein structure can detect various types of protein functional alterations concomitantly, promising to drastically expand the coverage and resolution of functional proteomics screens. The approach, relying on the Limited Proteolysis Mass Spectrometry (LiP-MS) technique, monitors structural changes in thousands of proteins simultaneously in situ. It captures allosteric regulation, phosphorylation, protein complex formation, enzyme activity changes, protein aggregation and altered protein levels within the same analysis, thus substantially expanding the coverage of proteomic screens. Further, it pinpoints altered functional sites on proteins, thus supporting the generation of mechanistic hypotheses at high throughput. Applications of this approach include the study of complex phenotypes and biological mechanisms, the identification of disease biomarkers, drug target deconvolution and analysis of drug mechanism of action.
Prof. Paola Picotti
Institute of Molecular Systems Biology Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)
Paola Picotti is a professor at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology of ETH Zürich. Her group develops proteomics technologies for protein and protein structure analysis. She was awarded the EMBO Gold Medal, the Rössler prize, the US-HUPO Cotter Award, the HUPO Discovery in Proteomic Sciences award and two ERC grants.
Dr. Oliver Rinner
Founder, CEO, Board Director
Oliver was co-founder of Biognosys in 2008 and is leading the company as CEO, starting as a spin-off from ETH Zurich to a market-leading inventor and provider of proteomics technology that Biognosys is today. A psychologist and biochemist by training, Oliver joined the group of proteomics pioneer Ruedi Aebersold at the ETH in 2005, where he worked on the development of technologies for targeted and structural proteomics and contributed to the seminal papers and patents in the Aebersold group that laid the foundation of the next-generation proteomics. Oliver is also a member of the Board of Directors of Biognosys.