Thanks to deep-learning augmented peptide identification, you can now find more precursors and proteins in your samples than ever before. We have further broadened our support for the latest MS data acquisition technologies, and provide new ways to quickly and thoroughly analyze data.
Understanding the target of a small molecule compound is key to gaining deeper insight into its mechanism of action and potential toxicities.
Limited Proteolysis (LiP-MS) has emerged as a label-free technology to identify and analyze changes in protein structures/steric hindrance caused by a compound in cellular lysates. The underlying concept of LiP-MS is based on proteins being subjected to proteolysis in the presence or absence of a compound. When a compound binds to a protein, it induces a specific structural state in the protein target that can be exploited during proteolysis. This unique structural state changes the pattern of proteolysis and leads to the formation of unique peptides that can be characterized by HRM mass spectrometry.
Understanding the target of a small molecule compound is key to gaining deeper insight into its mechanism of action and potential toxicities.
a) Normalized relative protein
intensities for all detected
b) Protein annotation (based
on Uniprot Knowledgebase)
a) Protein target candidates rankedby aggregate LiP score
b) Compound affinity concentrationfor each protein candidate
c) Mapping of regulated peptides of top 3 candidates on protein tertiary structures if available