To enhance plasma proteomics research, Biognosys developed the PQ500™ Reference Peptides kit. The kit contains an optimized set of 804 SIS peptides that target 582 plasma proteins. The use of heavy labeled reference peptides provides numerous benefits, including sample comparability in large cohort studies and across mass spectrometry platforms.
To help kickstart your next plasma project, we are offering free access for two of our popular software solutions: SpectroDive™ and Spectronaut™.
The limited-time offer* includes a choice of 6 free months of SpectroDive™, our software for targeted proteomics, OR 3 free months of Spectronaut™, our DIA analysis software.
To get your free software please add the code PQ500SD for SpectroDive™ or PQ500SN for Spectronaut™ to the notes field at checkout.
If you have any questions about the PQ500 Reference Peptides or Biognosys’ software solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us or shop PQ500 here.
*Offer is valid through March 31, 2022